Gc hp 6890 manual
Hp gc user manual. Reconfigure the GC every time the gas type is changed. If the GC is configured to a gas other than what is actually being plumbed, incorrect flow rates will result. WARNING Always configure the GC appropriately when working with hydrogen. Hydrogen leaks quickly and poses a safety concern if too much of. VICI Fast GC Conversion Kit • This manual describes how to convert a HP/Agilent to a “Fast GC” using the VICI Fast GC Conversion Kit. There are many advantages to converting the HP or Agilent GC to a “Fast GC”. An increase in productivity and efficiency is easily attained when using a VICI Clad Column and Fast Column Controller. GC with HP A Mass Selective Detector GC 59* cm 50 cm GC with HP ChemStation GC 59* cm 50 cm HP Vectra cm Keyboard cm LaserJet IV cm cm Mous e pad 28 cm 23 cm MSD 65 cm 17 cm GC with HP Automatic Liquid Sampler GC 59* cm 50 cm Injector—44 cm above GC Tray— cm left of GC ALS Controller 10 cm 31 cm *68 cm for non.
This manual provides lists of symptoms and corresponding tasks to perform should you experience errors associated with GC hardware or chromatographic output, GC Not Ready messages, and other common issues. Each section describes a problem and provides a bulleted list of possible causes for you to troubleshoot. These lists are not. VICI Fast GC Conversion Kit • This manual describes how to convert a HP/Agilent to a “Fast GC” using the VICI Fast GC Conversion Kit. There are many advantages to converting the HP or Agilent GC to a “Fast GC”. An increase in productivity and efficiency is easily attained when using a VICI Clad Column and Fast Column Controller. Hp gc user manual. Reconfigure the GC every time the gas type is changed. If the GC is configured to a gas other than what is actually being.
If you ally dependence such a referred agilent gc user manual book that Agilent n (Gn) Gas Chromatograph # HP Agilent FID GC How. Always turn on the GC before starting the HP ChemStation software. 3. Light the detector. • Press FID igniter button (hold it in for seconds) then release. I'm trying to get the GC to take a manual injection with the sequence and method that I've set up, but when I start the run and do an injection.